Σάββατο 12 Ιουλίου 2014


Palestinians carry the bodies of members of the Kaware family that hospital officials said were killed in an Israeli air strike on their house, during their funeral in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip July 9, 2014. (Reuters)

Οκτώ παιδάκια σκότωσαν πάλι στην Γάζα…
Ούτε οκτώ συνθήματα δεν θα γράψουν οι ευαισθητούληδες των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων…
Ούτε οκτώ βήματα πορεία δεν θα κάνουν οι αντιρατσιστικές οργανώσεις…
Ούτε οκτώ γραμμές δεν θα γράψουν όλοι εκείνοι που οδύρονταν για τον χαμό του Αλέξη ή του Φύσσα,,,
Ούτε οκτώ τρίχες από τα «τέτοια» τους δεν θα έδιναν για να σωθούν αυτά τα παιδάκια. 

Καμμία κριτική στους ηγεμόνες του πλανήτη από τους πράκτορες που παριστάνουν τους ακτιβιστές,  για να μην σταματήσει  η ροή του χρήματος. 
Το πιο τρομερό κατόρθωμα αυτής της τεράστιας συμμορίας, που εκμεταλλεύεται την ανθρωπότητα ως κοπάδι ζώων,  είναι ότι, ακόμα και τους πράκτορές της, όπως και τους υπαλλήλους της Τρόικας, πάλι ΕΜΕΙΣ τους πληρώνουμε μέσω των ΜΚΟ, που χρηματοδοτούνται από το κράτος, χωρίς να μας ρωτήσει ποτέ κάποιος.
Είτε τους προωθούν στη Βουλή είτε σε κρατικές θέσεις είτε παραμένουν στην διοίκηση ανθελληνικών ΜΚΟ,  τους εχθρούς μας, τους πραγματικούς εχθρούς μας, τους πληρώνουμε και τους ενισχύουμε εμείς οι ίδιοι, χωρίς να

έχουμε άλλη επιλογή, γιατί ακριβώς το σύστημα έχει και το …μαχαίρι και το καρπούζι.

Ένα από τα οκτώ ...επιτεύγματα των επικυρίαρχων .στην Γάζα εχθές...
Ένα από τα οκτώ …επιτεύγματα των επικυρίαρχων .στην Γάζα εχθές…

Εύκολα λοιπόν κάνει καθηγήτρια Πανεπιστημίου όποια Ρεπούση θέλει, βάζει στα υπουργεία όποια Δραγώνα θέλει, διαφημίζει στην TV όποιον Τατσόπουλο θέλει, στέλνει στην Ευρωβουλή όποιον Γλέζο θέλει και κάνει δήμαρχο όποιον Μπουτάρη θέλει.
Ο λογαριασμός φυσικά πάντα …σ’ εμάς. 


Israel hits 200 Gaza sites, 8 children reported dead, Hamas fires rockets

At least eight children have been killed in the last 24 hours as Operation Protective Edge launched by Israeli forces entered its second day. The IDF claims it has hit at least 200 targets in Gaza since Tuesday.

Israel steps up military offensive in Gaza LIVE UPDATES

By Wednesday evening, Israel’s offensive had killed at least 53 people and injured over 450, while also striking scores of targets, Ma’an news agency reported citing medical officials.

According to IDF, the airstrikes were necessary in order to stifle rocket fire from Gaza. Israel indicated that a ‘weeks-long’ ground invasion could be rapidly approaching, reported AP on Wednesday.

“Despite the fact it will be hard, complicated and costly, we will have to take over Gaza temporarily, for a few weeks, to cut off the strengthening of this terror army,” Israeli intelligence minister,Yuval Steinitz, told Israel Radio. “If you ask my humble opinion, a significant operation like this is approaching.’”

Israel has mobilized thousands of forces along the border ahead of the possible ground operation.

Hamas’ Qassam Brigades launched three M-75 rockets towards southern Israel’s Dimona nuclear site on Wednesday, causing no casualties or damages – one was intercepted and two fell in open space, an army spokesman told Reuters.

According to General Moti Almoz’s earlier comments on military radio, at which point 160 targets had been hit, the initial targets included 120 concealed rocket launchers, 10 Hamas command and control centers, two homes and many tunnels.

Wednesday morning Palestinian militants fired more rockets at Israeli cities. with eight rockets intercepted by Iron Dome defense system over Tel Aviv, Ashkelon and Ashdod. Yet, people ran to bomb shelters.

Though Israeli authorities claim they target only Hamas militants, many civilians have been killed in a “ground offensive,” dubbed Operation Protective Edge.

The IAF official said that residents of the buildings targeted by Israeli Air Force for strikes tried to avert the attacks by going up the roofs en masse. Such ploys will not be effective, he added.

At least 50 houses were destroyed on Tuesday and 1,700 were partially damaged, said Palestinian Minister of Public Works and Housing Mufeel al-Hasayneh.

People carry the body of a Palestinian boy whom hospital officials said was killed in an Israeli air strike on his family's house, in Gaza city July 9, 2014. (Reuters)
People carry the body of a Palestinian boy whom hospital officials said was killed in an Israeli air strike on his family’s house, in Gaza city July 9, 2014. (Reuters)

Defense for Children International Palestine (DCI-Palestine) also released its data, sayingIsraeli military killed eight children and injured dozens more.

“Israeli forces killed six children when a missile struck the home of alleged Hamas activist Odeh Ahmad Mohammad Kaware in the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis,” said a statement from the organization. Overall, at least 28 children have been injured in the offensive in the city of Khan Younis.

Also two Palestinian children died in strikes across Gaza: one from Gaza City’s Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, and the other from Gaza City’s Al-Shujaiyah community.

The youngest child killed in the assault was 6.

“The death and injury to children caused by Israel’s military offensive on Gaza demonstrates serious and extensive disregard of fundamental principles of international law,” said Rifat Kassis, executive director of DCI-Palestine. “Israeli forces must not carry out indiscriminate airstrikes in densely populated areas that fail to distinguish between military targets, civilians and civilian objects.”

According to RT Paula Slier, who is in the area, several teenagers were killed when the Israelis targeted a house belonging to a Hamas militant. In a separate accident, civilians were killed when the IDF stuck a car in which militants were traveling.

Gaza rocket hits Jerusalem as Palestinian death toll reaches 25

Among the victims is an 80-year-old woman killed in the Moghraqa area of central Gaza. A father and son were killed in the bombing of a house in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza by IAF aircraft, according to Palestinian media outlets.

In the meantime, Israeli officials note only two troops injured.

Palestinians wheel a stretcher carrying a boy, who hospital officials said was wounded in an Israeli air strike on a house, in Gaza City July 9, 2014. (Reuters)
Palestinians wheel a stretcher carrying a boy, who hospital officials said was wounded in an Israeli air strike on a house, in Gaza City July 9, 2014. (Reuters)

The Israeli forces said that the IDF will continue military offensive in the Gaza Strip.

“We’ll continue with strikes that will exact a very heavy price from Hamas. We are destroying arms, terror infrastructures, command systems, Hamas institutions, regime buildings, terrorists’ houses, and killing terrorists of various ranks of command,” Israeli defense minister, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, told Army Radio.

He added that Israeli troops “will continue to hit Hamas and other terror groups in Gaza Strip from the air, sea and ground to ensure the safety of Israel’s citizens.”

According to General Almoz the military “was preparing the next stage. This offensive will be a long one.”

“Reservists are being called in to replace conscripted soldiers [holding the line]. The moment they are ready, the soldiers will go south to prepare,” he said.



Σήμερα γίνεται συγκέντρωση στην Πρεσβεία του Ισραήλ. 

Φυσικά ΟΥΤΕ ΜΙΑ από τις γνωστές ΜΚΟ κατά του Φασισμού δεν συμμετέχει, ΟΥΤΕ ΜΙΑ από αυτές κατά του ρατσισμού μας και ο αποκλειστικός θάνατος Παλαιστινίων είναι ….τυχαίο γεγονός και δεν εμπεριέχει ρατσιστικά κίνητρα.

Και φυσικά…
Δεν θα ακούσετε κάποιο επιθετικό σχόλιο από τους αποκεφαλιστές της ISIS, που χρηματοδοτούν οι επικυρίαρχοι. Μάλιστα αποκαλύφθηκε ότι ο αρχηγός της ISIS …αποφυλακίστηκε με εντολή του νομπελίστα Obama . 

Επίσης δεν συμμετέχει ΚΑΝΕΝΑ κόμμα, από αυτά που …σκίζονται για την δημοκρατία, την ειρήνη και το δίκαιο του αδικημένου…
Συμμετέχουν ΠΕΝΤΕ  ανύπαρκτες οργανώσεις και θα έχει ενδιαφέρον να δούμε αν θα μαζευτούν πάνω από 200 ψυχές.
Η οργάνωση ΕΝΑ ΚΑΡΑΒΙ ΓΙΑ ΤΗ ΓΑΖΑ …φαίνεται ότι ήταν δημιοούργημα των επικυριάρχων, προκειμένου να γνωρίσουν τους εχθρούς από κοντά και να …ξεκάνουν μερικούς από αυτούς, στα ανοικτά της θάλασσας, χωρίς καμμία συνέπεια. 

το είδα


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